Friday, October 30, 2020

Looking Forward to Some Normalcy


Have been telling friends not to underestimate how much better things will feel once we no longer have not only a potus but his staff tweeting and screaming from podiums rude, obnoxious, misinformation, disinformation and outright lies.  The last four years are not normal.  And as this administration's staff has been whittled down to merely the most craven sycophants or worse the harm has increased.  Biden and his team will be a biased, flawed and imperfect but they will feel like a massive gust of fresh air.  Amidst Covid and such we really could use it.

ps now Fox et al. will not go away but maybe just maybe folks will remember how wrong they have been...

Sunday, October 25, 2020

If You Cannot Handle a Reporter How Can You Handle Xi/Erdogan/Putin et al.

He is also a propagandist with nothing to fall back on besides his PR schtick.  Nine more days until he is a lame duck.
"Stahl said she and her boss met with Trump at his office in Trump Tower in Manhattan after the 2016 election in advance of

“At one point, he started to attack the press,” Stahl said. “There were no cameras in there.”

“I said, ‘You know, this is getting tired. Why are you doing it over and over? It’s boring and it’s time to end that. You know, you’ve won ... why do you keep hammering at this?’” Stahl recalled.

“And he said: ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.’” "

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Responding to a Friend's Questions


I have been having some dialogue with a FB friend.  We are on opposite sides of the aisle but especially off-line we have constructive conversations.  He asked me some questions and I banged out a long response so thought I would share.


On a different matter, who would Biden put on the supreme court and why won't he tell? Also, would he pack the court? He seems to be riding the "moderate democrat" position to win the white house ( I'm not a socialist, I beat the socialists", but he also agreed to the Biden/Sanders manifesto which sounds to me like Bernie Sanders' socialism philosophy. Also, he chose the co-author of the green new deal to be his running mate at 78 years old. Is he moderate or is he progressive? He is trying to ride two horses here. The media doesn't care. As long as Biden wins, they are happy. I wonder if moderate democrats will be happy if it turns out he was really a Bernie Sanders progressive?


Biden (he is only 77 btw 😁 and I would argue much more healthy than current potus but I digress) would nominate a partisan Democratic judge, just like Trump has nominated partisan Republicans.  I will say Trump’s SCOTUS picks have been essentially conventional Republicans (i.e. Romney etc. would have picked similar ones).  His picks have been amplified since there are now three of them including one that should have been an Obama pick.  But like I said Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett are not radical just very partisan.  Both parties are now gaming (although I will say Republican have done a better job) the picks such that “moderation” as it existed has been lost (i.e. no more justices that are going to be anywhere close to non-partisan and if we are not careful we are soon going to be getting nominees straight out of law school so that they can serve for 60 years for one partisan view).  I would like to see 18 year staggered terms.  It is not exactly clear to me how “packing” the court by going to 11 justices would solve things for Dems since that would still leave a 6-5 split at this point.  I am guessing Biden is avoiding a clear position as 1) it will be controversial and at this point with a big lead there is no upside, 2) it is not a given what exactly a 6-3 Republican court means, if they overturn Roe, ACA, and block immigration reform then that is one thing if they are less radical then it would be another. 

Re is he a moderate or a Berner? He is a politician he is being ambivalent because that is what good politicians do so that he can retain enough support of centrists and more lefty types to get some things done.  Biden certainly has a long track record and it is clearly centrist understanding the center moves over time.  His instincts are centrist but he understands much energy comes from the left (just like the right energizes the Republicans). 

Folks like Obama, the Clintons, Harris really any mainstream Dem are not all that far apart on policy it is a matter of degrees.  Sanders/AOC they have more ideological policies which get cherry picked by the mainstream folks that is how parties work.  For both parties not only energy but innovative policy can come from the more ideological wings of the party.  The problem with ideologues is their ideology frequently is impractical, good politicians translate or cherry pick ideology into a governable set of realities.

One thing re policy, I do believe the hypocrisy of the Republicans on the deficits (they “cared” about it when Bill Clinton was in office then lost all interest when W. Bush was in office, then “cared” about it with Obama- remember the Tea Baggers-, then lost any interest when Trump came into office) is finally going to come home to roost. 

Until Ronald Reagan came into office both parties felt our country’s budget had to be run like a personal checkbook (i.e. balanced).  Reagan came into office increased defense spending, cut taxes and created big deficits in the process.  The supply side notion that tax cuts pay for themselves was BS then and is BS now (if you can find empirical evidence to the contrary let me know) but certainly has been an effective electoral strategy because who does not want a tax cut?  Clinton balanced the budget without a single Republican vote to do so, then the deficits blew up under W.  Then the Republicans forced fiscal constraint to the point of harming the recovery in 2009-2010 under Obama, then again let Trump cut taxes and now spend without concern for the deficit.

Now we know interest rates can remain very low while running big deficits.  Biden and the Dems assuming they gain control of the Senate will likely initiate aggressive plans to spend on infrastructure (including green programs), education and healthcare.  And why not? At its core Biden’s plan is spend on those things most of which we badly need and re-coup the part of the tax cuts given the wealthiest Americans.  Whereas the budget scolds (myself included) would have previously been nervous now we are like “let’s give it a try”.  By the way in the process with Biden/Harris, we say lets avoid the erratic rhetoric on trade that is alienating our international friends, lets come out with rational immigration policies that allow us to retain the vigor and energy from immigrants without just throwing the borders open and most of all lets do what we need to with PPE, testing, distancing and vaccines to get past Covid.  At that point I think the economy will thrive and the markets along with them as we have much pent-up demand and capital ready to be deployed and the markets do not like the erratic governance currently emanating from the White House.

Ultimately though, folks spend far more time thinking they disagree on policy when in reality it is personal style and character that drives voter’s actual preferences.  Why would someone vote for Obama then turnaround and vote for Trump over Clinton?  Obama and Clinton’s policies are not that different but for whatever reasons some made that switch.  The problem for Trump is now they are switching back to Biden, whose policies resemble Obama/Clinton.  Why? Well I would argue because Trump is an erratic fraud and after almost four years, most folks have figured this out, while Biden for all his aging drabness is not a freak.  Biden would lose against most Republicans this year but he is a good antidote to Trump.  Correspondingly I believe most Dems would have beaten Trump in 2016 but Clinton was almost uniquely susceptible to Trump.

(Btw regarding your question on media you say “the media does not care”, not sure what you expect from “the media”.  I have many thoughts on this but will leave that to a “media” post or discussion.)

I assure you as a moderate Democrat I am not losing one iota of sleep worrying that Biden is some sort of woke Squad member in disguise.  Understand I believe Trumpism has papered over big issues for the Dems emanating from Jacobin lefty woke types (many worse than AOC) and these problems will have to be addressed because not only Republicans but us moderate Dems do not support their views on many topics.  The economic ignorance and cultural stridency amongst many of the Jacobin left is severe (cancel culture, anti-capitalism etc.).  Mark my word Biden will be getting grief from his left as much as the right. soon enough.  My Berner friends were severely agitated when Biden beat Sanders just like they were in 2016 when Clinton did so and just like their predecessors were in 1968 when Eugene McCarthy lost. But in 2020 Trump’s inability to govern like an actual adult has brought them in line to vote him out instead of stay home like many did in 2016.

If Trump had performed merely as a replacement level Potus (shown empathy, exerted calm, embraced epidemiology instead of quackery) this year instead of going off the rails on Covid/wanting to jail his opponents etc. he might be ahead in the poles.  At this point he literally seems mental.