Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Stockton Record Endorses Obama

TW: The obvious question would Yet, this is its first Democratic endorsement since FDR over Alf Landon in 1936. This paper operates in Stockton/Lodi area of California which if you know that area you know it is NOT in any way liberal, the area has more in common with say Idaho than San Francisco. The paper picked such luminaries as: Goldwater over LBJ; Dewey and Wilkie over FDR during WWII; Dewey over Truman in '48; Nixon over Kennedy in '60 amongst others. Their editorial is actually a fairly good read, it is not merely an anti-McCain rant because he is not a true conservative or merely reckless for choosing Palin (although that is an issue for them). They actually seem to be impressed with Obama as well. The only downside is having picked a continuous string of Republicans arguably their judgment is a bit impaired but better late than never...

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