The person on stage last night did one thing, mock and attack her opponents with a endless rat-a-tat-tat of platitudes. Joe Biden at times was thrown off by the ceaseless rat-a-tat-tat but eventually burned through much of the drivel. However, the rat-a-tat-tat was so relentless many non-sequitors and inanities faded away into the ether without retribution or response from Biden or follow-up from the barely competent Gwen Ifill.
The "you betchas", "darn rights", shout-outs, etc. did nothing for me. They generally nauseated me. This is not a little job we are meant to be vetting, this is the big time, vice-leader of the Free World. Our economy rests upon the precipice of something we all really do not want to see; our country is engaged in two hot wars; one simmering, endless anti-terror campaign; and the next V-POTUS will face a very challenging decision relative to Iran and nuclear weapons. Those are the big challenges we can see with clarity, there will be others not yet so visible.
So I ask what exactly did the fembot say last night to achieve any of the following:
1) Demonstrate a grasp of any, not all just any, issues beyond platitudes and talking points.
2) Provide confidence that when faced with the 3:00 am phone call that her experience, judgment and intellect would likely lead our country down a prudent and wise path.
3) Demonstrate the ability to persuade on an issue, to inform voters as to why they should follow this person in a difficult and challenging direction (say a financial crisis "bailout")
4) Show that when faced with too little or too much information that this person could synthesize the information into coherent bites in order to identify the crucial insights. In other words display evidence that this person can "see around the corner" that nebulous but ultimately crucial skill for all executives and leaders. We can all see that which is obvious and sequential, once the platitudes are depleted could she actually formulate policy with an acuity not commonly found.
5) Provide a basis to believe this person could in the time of national and international crisis marshal the right resources to attack and resolve problems. Does this person know anybody relevant to our national challenges.
I could go on. When the fembot stated she was going to ignore the questions and just engage in a one way stream of conscious discussion with the "real America" I knew this was going to be disgusting evening. We need to know what this person does not know and more importantly what this person does not know how to do.
We do not need to know what this person merely wants us to know. If you are comfortable with only knowing what this candidate or any other candidate wants you to know, then I categorize you as a frightening voter.
This is the fembot's crib sheet (from via Sullivan)

Not sure if your being fair here..You have to give her some credit..palin did an incredible job and stood her ground with Biden who is very seasoned. I agree my expectations were very low but she did not come across as the person I've been reading and watching clips from your site and in the media. her biggest problem is she has to defend McCain and his record which conflicts with her message of change.
Bottom line Biden did a remarkable job as expected. I've always been a Biden fan and would prefer he was the head of the ticket. BUT you have to give palin some credit too.
Watched a focus group last night of undecides which really was swayed by Palin. the same channel did the same thing after the Obama/Mccain debate and the group was heavily swayed by Obama. something to watch out for today..
So you watched Fox both times, my sympathies.
Yes Palin is an effective fembot with all the connotations that implies.
No Palin's biggest problem is not defending McCain. Answering any of my questions would be her problems, amongst others.
It is all about being a Maverick and energy. There are no other issues in the country. $700 billion bail is all about John being a Maverick and making sure we cover energy costs. Health policy... it is about John being a Maverick and making sure people are healthy enough to work those energy jobs.
At the end of the day, she had two answers. She sucked. Let's not lower the bar because of who she is. I can't stand the argument, "Well if we lower our expectation, Palin did pretty well." Screw that, she sucked! Why lower our expectations for the second highest position in this country. You betcha!
Rock on!!
Thx for the comment.
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