Saturday, November 15, 2008

GM et al: What To Do? (Part 2)

TW: I posted earlier on this topic.
I am going to post at least a couple of more over the next day or so, as I find this topic demonstrative of the choices our government faces in its epic battle to avoid GD 2.0. My question for this post is why is it that the conservatives are seemingly so quick to dismiss a "bailout" of the automakers whilst having generally (obviously a strain of free-market purists attempted to grab political points by opposing parts of the TARP but I believe they were mainly political cynics) strongly supported the multi-tiered bailouts of the financial industry. I would be interested to hear a reconciliation of the two positions- automakers drop dead v. Wall Street we feel your pain.

From my favorite conservative blowhard Steve Calabresi:
When responding to a Politico Arena question regarding the TARP bill-
"The lame-duck Bush Administration has done a masterful job of responding to the financial crisis..."

Opining on a potential automaker "bailout"-
"The question whether to bail out the big three automakers is a defining moment on whether we are going to go down the road of corporate welfare..."

TW: ps- in looking through some old Arena quotes to find the TARP quote I found some great gems from this genius, am going to have to post a best of Calabresi...

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