TW: It has largely been lost amidst the economic carnage, but the U.S. and the Iraqis have reached a tentative agreement regarding the disposition of U.S. forces in Iraq. Such a pact would have at various times over the past two years have been the absolute lead story, it has now after 4,000+ American and innumerable Iraqi lives lost become a non-front page issue. On one hand the eagerness of the Iraqis for us to leave is a good sign as it represents their growing confidence in providing for their own security. On the other hand, why did we ever go in the first place.
The implications remain profound nevertheless. Bush (and most Republicans) had long opposed a timetable, now there is a firm one. While the timetable is longer than that proposed by Obama while campaigning, one can assume he will acquiesce to the schedule. The larger question is whether the various factions in Iraq will similarly acquiesce, we shall see.
From Economist:
"A “withdrawal agreement” approved by the Iraqi cabinet on November 16th requires American troops to pull out of Iraqi towns and cities by the end of June next year, and to leave Iraq altogether by December 31st 2011...
...there would be no permanent American bases. Iraq could not be used to attack others (ie, Syria or Iran). There would be, he promised, “no detainees any more, no detention centres any more…no searches or raids of buildings or houses, until there is an Iraqi judicial warrant and it is fully co-ordinated with the Iraqi government.”
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