Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Photons Are Coming

TW: I am sure everyone will be happy to learn our greatest minds are nearing development of a whole new array of tools by which to wreck havoc upon the world, photon weapons (aka "ray guns", "tasers", or their actual name directed energy weapons). The first practical weapon, named Zeus, has been deployed apparently by us in Iraq to detonate roadside bombs, the eventual applications will be far more radical, shooting down incoming artillery rounds, incoming ballistic missiles and presumably soon enough enemy combatants.

From Economist:
"...Boeing is unwilling to discuss the matter and John Wachs, the head of the Space and Missile Defence Command’s Directed Energy Division, observes that it is “politically sensitive”. The public may have misgivings about a silent and invisible weapon that would boil the body’s fluids before tearing it apart in a burst of vapour.
That seems oddly squeamish, though. War is not a pleasant business. It is doubtful that being burst by a laser is worse than being hit by a burst from a machine gun

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