Friday, December 12, 2008

Chuck Colson: Felon and W. Bush Honoree

TW: For those of you old enough or interestd enough in history, you recall Chuck Colson. He was a major figure in the Watergate scandal and served prison time as a result. Now W. Bush has seen fit to award Mr. Colson the "Presidential Service Medal" as reward for "exemplary service deeds for the nation" apparently related to his preaching of gospel in prisons. While resuscitating cons has societal benefits (am referring to Colson not his preachees), I find it ironic that the Republicans are so quick to resuscitate a Colson whilst wanting to throw away the keys for millions of other prisoners. A nice metaphor for the last days of the disaster known as the W. Bush Administration.
From Economist:
"...does Mr Colson really deserve an award from the president? Any president? True, he's lived clean since he got out of prison and ministered to countless prisoners. But he is not actually very contrite about his crimes. After it was revealed that former FBI agent Mark Felt was the "Deep Throat" who'd helped bring down President Nixon, Mr Colson attacked Mr Felt's integrity. "People talk about a hero," Mr Colson said. "A hero might have, if he had the courage, gone in and talked to the President."
There's a lesson here for the likes of Scooter Libby. Spend enough time spreading the Gospel and you can get a medal, too. No apologies necessary."
A 2000 article from Slate re Mr. Colson

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