Friday, December 12, 2008

I Really Hope They Keep Thinking This Way

TW: Apparently the Repubs are fired up about their three victories since their not so victorious performance on Nov. 4th. I understand one must play the cards one is dealt but I also truly hope they keep playing these low cards hard for as long as possible. For if they continue to listen to Rove and folks like Mike Pence then their emergence from the shadows will take a long time. Winning two House seats in Louisiana (inc. one that was occupied by a Dem crook and the seat will almost certainly come right back to the Dems in '10) and a Senate seat in Georgia doth not maketh a trend.

From Economist:
"...The Politico leads with a story about "rising Republican hopes" after the Lousiana run-off elections. In his Wall Street Journal column, Karl Rove announces that the Republican Party's long national nightmare—November 4th to December 5th—is over...

Mr Rove has no new ideas for the Republicans...Mike Pence, the talk-radio-host-turned-third-ranking-House-Republican, makes similar "don't ever change" arguments in the Washington Times..."

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