Sunday, December 28, 2008

Reading List

1) Many of those oil exploration projects started in response to the oil price spike have now been canceled, thereby creating an increased liklihood of the next oil price spike.
2) A pogrom (Olmert's term) on the West Bank, this time with Israelis as the culprits
3) A New Yorker article on how voting procedures in the US have always been fraught with controversy and inaccuracy
4) Economist article on a proposal to detected and prevent genocide, I am skeptical regarding its feasibility and efficacy. Genocide flourishes not because it is not detected but because the perpetrators know the costs of intervening for outsiders is too high to justify.
5) New Yorker in depth article from October on the contrasting styles and substance of Obama and McCain. Two months later it is interesting to see how the policies look in retrospect, what will really be interesting is to see how the policies age a year or more from now.

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