Tuesday, January 6, 2009


TW: I have posted about this "professor" before. He symbolizes what I despise about certain Republicans. As I have had to do before I will parse this gem of a comment by an alleged person of intellect.

From Steve Calabresi (Northwestern law professor, prominent right-wing attorney) responding to a question at Politico asking for comments on the Bush Administration:
"The best aspect of the Bush presidency was the President’s muscular response to the 9/11 attacks which threw the terrorists off balance and prevented another terrorist attack in the United States for an incredible seven years. Al Qaeda was a problem that Bill Clinton grew on his watch as president with his feckless responses to Al Qaeda’s attacks. Bush has pummeled Al Qaeda to the point that they are now on the ropes. If Al Qaeda reemerges it will be Barack Obama’s fault not Bush’s.

TW: Well there you have it. September 11 was Bill Clinton's fault and if another one happens post January 20, 2009 it will be Barack Obama's fault. So simple and so full of shit that will not comment further other than the past seven years post 9/11 have been just like the prior 225 years (e.g. free of 9/11 type attacks).

"Bush’s stewardship of the economy and his tax cuts set off year and years of spectacular prosperity and economic growth. In retrospect, it is clear interest rates were kept too low for too long which set off a housing bubble, but it would have been hard to anticipate that at the time. Bush has responded swiftly and effectively since the stock market crash of September 15th."

TW: You have got to be shitting me. Actual results I would hope speak for themselves.

"Another Bush triumph was his appointment of two spectacular constitutionalist justices – John Roberts and Samuel Alito – to the Supreme Court."

TW: Obviously a matter of taste, but if you are a social conservative then yes a triumph, if not then not so much.

"The weak points in the Bush presidency were twofold: first, the president lacked the ability of Ronald Reagan or Tony Blair to articulate and defend his policies. This was a critical weakness. You cannot govern if you cannot lead and you cannot lead if you cannot effectively communicate."

TW: Ah yes, the old if he could have only told the story better line of BS. His policies after all were solid just not sold well.

"Second, the Bush Administration was very uneven when it came to quality of personnel. Some appointees were terrific while others were in way over their heads. Overall, Bush has a lot to be proud of."

TW: Ah yes, the old if he had only had better folks line (see section two of the Bush apologist handbook).

Lets see he could not communicate, was a poor manager of people, advocated and perpetuated torture, spent hundreds of billions on an illegitimate war, led our economy into the worst crisis in seventy years, through an amazing jujitsu move converted world sympathy for the U.S. into disdain, tried to inject religion into any crevice of goverance he could etc. So yes overall Bush has a lot to be proud of.

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