TW: I mentioned in a post yesterday how power accrues to the POTUS in almost direct correlation to the severity of the crisis. Read any historical poll and one will see the POTUS approval rating soar during time of war or drastic events such as 9/11. To me our current economic mess is a related situation where Obama will accrue, by mere stint of entering office in January 2009, enormous leverage in shaping our economic and national security future. The irony, of course, is that W. Bush and the Republicans contributed greatly to the creation of the current environment.
In their zeal to "protect" even at the expense of liberty or military over-stretch, in their zeal to deregulate without properly thinking through implications, in their zeal to enhance the power of the executive despite the constitution; they have created their worst nightmare. A turbo-charged progressive POTUS empowered by Americans in a position to reverse and refine thirty years of Republican initiatives. As a progressive, I thank you W.
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