Friday, January 23, 2009

The Note...

TW: Pretty cute little post by the Economist bloggers
From the Economist:
"PRIOR to leaving the White House for the last time, George Bush left an envelope in the oval office for Barack Obama. Here in the New York bureau, I've asked my colleagues to guess what was inside. This is what they've come up with so far:
-a photocopy of his butt
-increasingly smaller envelopes
-Iraq's weapons of mass destruction
-a copy of the Constitution: "Turns out to be a really good read! -GWB"
-"The Official Preppy Handbook"
-a scrawled note, short and sweet, good for all occasions: "Let Freedom reign!"
-pages and pages of "All work and no play makes George a dull boy"
-take-out menus—you know, just basic Chinese, maybe pizza and a wings place or two
-This drawing:

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