Thursday, January 8, 2009

Some Things Never Change

TW: Our government struggles to deal with the current economic crisis, it is not the first time.

From Winston Churchill via Politics Of Upheaval from Schlesinger:
" 'The problem of unemployment is the most torturing that can be presented to a civilized society.' In 1930 Churchill raised a question which troubled many in these dark years-- the question whether this was a problem with which representative democracy could ever deal. Democratic governments, he suggested, drifted along the line of least resistance, took short views, smoothed their path with platitudes, and paid their way with sops and doles.

Parliaments, he pessimistically concluded, could deal with political problems, but not with economic. 'One may even be pardoned for doubting whether institutions based on adult suffrage could possibly arrive at the right decisions upon the intricate propositions of modern business and finance' "

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