TW: As the Economist says, there are legitimate and thoughtful objections to Obama's economic approach. But Jim Demint, Republican Senator South Carolina, lays out a not unusual stance for vintage 2009 Congressional Republicans. It is filled with almost stuff that sounds troubling but lacks almost any substance and is ultimately merely nonsensical. Again I ask are the Senate Republicans actually trying to solve anything or just pander to their base?
From the Economist:
"Demint: 'The President has a point that taxpayer money should not be used to pay for Wall Street fat cats to fly to Las Vegas but why is it okay for taxpayer money to be used to help pay for Hollywood elites to get there on a fancy gambling train? And why are we subsidizing leisure in a stimulus bill rather than encouraging work and greater productivity?'
[Economist] Where to begin? First, Las Vegas was hit badly last year by the one-two-punch of high gas prices and the recession. It's true that a LA-LV rail line failed in 1997, but that was when a gallon of gas cost $1. If a high-speed train had been available this summer, when gas was hovering around $4 per gallon, does anyone doubt that more Californians would have jumped on?
Second, it would be quite a trick if this money could construct and maintain a rail line without creating some jobs.
Third, "leisure" is a source of jobs, too: the Vegas boom has been powered by jobs in the service industry.
Finally, "Hollywood elites" do not now, nor will they ever, take a train to Las Vegas. If in 2017 Joe Biden leaves the vice presidency for a California retirement, might he get on the train? Sure. His fellow celebrities will be taking chartered jets sponsored by MTV and Viacom.
Again, there might be a good reason why this particular amount of funding is the wrong size, and it must be closely watched, but the idea of building rail to keep traffic to Las Vegas flowing is not at all wasteful."
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