Monday, February 9, 2009

Learning From the Politics Of Stimulation

TW: Nate Silver is back at it with some good analysis of the politics surrounding the stimulus package. I would especially focus on #2. I actually think Pelosi is a good Speaker but I know many of my friends do not agree. Reid is in substance a tough character but his persona reeks of fecklessness. Net net, Obama could have done much worse but certainly much better as well, as with many things in life it is all about the learning curve. I suspect he will move up the curve quite rapidly.

From Nate Silver at
"1. Republicans have nothing to lose. Public perceptions of Congressional Republicans are also significantly down from their already-low levels since the stimulus debate began. But, the Republicans will gladly torpedo their own brand if it means taking Obama down with them. They are dangerous to him, in the way that a gang of rabid velociraptors is dangerous to a T-Rex.

2. Obama has to do the heavy lifting himself. Support for the stimulus dwindled when the Congressional Demorcats, who are not much more popular than their Republican colleagues, were charged with the job of selling it. The more Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are the faces of the Democratic Party, the more Barack Obama's approval ratings will come to resemble those of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

3. The benefits of "bipartisanship" are dubious. The public says they want bipartisanship, and a large majority of the public believes that Obama acted in a bipartisan fashion during the stimulus debate. And yet, his approval ratings fell significantly during this period.There are, obviously, a lot of factors to keep in balance here, but more than anything else the public seems to be seeking strong leadership from Obama; they don't want him to be deferential to either Congressional Democrats or Congressional Republicans."

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