Friday, February 13, 2009

The Republican Mentality In a Nutshell: Caoing To Pressure

TW: Below sums up the mentality of the current Republican party- lockstep opposition or else. One must wonder what pressures the Republican leadership exerted on Cao (or Gregg for that matter). He obviously Caoed under...but seriously you cannot tell me the Republicans are serious about anything other than playing politics at this point. It would be better for the country if they chose to participate rather than merely oppose it will be much easier for the Dems to march down a more partisan path if the Republicans swat away any notion of bi-partisanship. This stimulus bill is not radical or uni-dimensional .

From the Economist:
"ANH "JOSEPH" CAO, the Republican elected to Congress in New Orleans' fluke runoff election[TW he took the tainted William Jefferson seat], had strong feelings about the stimulus package:

"I'm voting along what my conscience dictates and the needs of the 2nd Congressional District dictate, even if I were to be the only member of the GOP to vote for the stimulus package. Even though it is going to be a humongous bill, even though we will be in debt for years, I believe that more likely than not, I will vote for it because the 2nd Congressional District needs a stimulus package... A lot of the provisions in the bill will be good for the district, because we need almost everything. You name it, we need it."

One day later, Mr Cao... voted against the stimulus package. He can rest easy, though, knowing that he has created at least one job: a seat in Congress for the Democrat who beats him in 2010."

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