Sunday, February 1, 2009

Things I Like - Odds & Ends

This spot for T-Mobil was filmed live at 11:00 AM at Liverpool station in London on January 15th. Over one hundred actors were told to dress in regular work attire and walk through the rail station. At 11:00, a dance mix came on over the loudspeaker and the actors broke into a pre-arranged dance program. Regular commuters stopped to watch, many joined in, very cool.

I was thinking how cool it would be to see something like this take place in Grand Central in New York. And then I remembered this, created by the Improv Everywhere group. If you've ever been in Grand Central, you know why this is so wild:


Trey White said...

was the GC event pre 9/11? I would think these days there would be 100 cops going nuts with air monitors if they did that...

Anonymous said...

Per the ImprovEverywhere website, this particular 'mission' was conducted in January 2008.
