Monday, March 2, 2009

A 1993 Bet Gone Sour

TW: Lest folks think Limbaugh is merely a sideshow for the Republicans. He is at the core of his party, respected and mimicked by the top leaders within the party. Why should anyone continue to listen to these faux intellects whose vacuous ideology continues to wreck havoc.

From Economist:
"In 1993, Rush Limbaugh was invited to address CPAC, but had to take a pass...Mr Limbaugh did, however, send a reporter to ask attendees a question.

Rush Limbaugh has challenged the Democratic National Committee a million dollars that [President Bill] Clinton's economic plan will not work if it's implemented. Do you think that's a good bet?

Here were the answers.

Dick Cheney, then the just-retired Secretary of Defense.
I think it is a pretty good bet. I would like a piece of it.

Newt Gingrich, then the Republican minority leader in the House.
I think Rush would win the bet if they were to take it, but his problem would be that they would then deny ever having accepted it.

Oliver North:
He's not going to lose a cent on that one.

William Bennett:
I don't think they will accept the bet because I think they'd lose, and I think they know they'd lose.

Mr Clinton presided over eight years of economic growth."

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