Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Republican Non-Budget

From Kevin Drum:
"...the Republican brain trust in the House decided to show their seriousness about cutting the deficit by publishing a "budget" that contained no actual numbers. The press mostly thought it was pretty comical, and today Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan tried to pretend that they had nothing to do with this project and were only bullied into supporting's also worth noting just how invisible this whole exercise was. It got lots of mockery in the blogosphere, and it also showed up on political shows like Maddow and Olbermann, but aside from that it wasn't so much ridiculed as ignored. If you get your news from the New York Times or NPR or Katie Couric, you'd barely even know this had happened, let alone that everyone thought it was ridiculous."

TW: I was let down with the Republican budget "proposal". I was highly confident that it would be sufficiently bad such that I could have fun pounding it. Unfortunately it was merely ephemeral. There is so little to the document they provided that it is impossible to critique. It was 19 pages (really about 13 if u take out the cover pages and irrelevant graphics). It complained much about Obama's plan, decried taxation, the National Endowment of the Arts etc. and promised economic nirvana if taxes are cut, deficits reduced and bailouts ended. Who can complain about those things? Naturally they did not provide even the slightest hints as to how they would cut taxes, reduce deficits and restore the financial system without "bailouts".

As Drum points out though it was so sparse hardly any MSM coverage was provided. Perhaps next time...oh well.

I did like Contessa Brewer's rant though.

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