"...Asked if he believed in American exceptionalism during his overseas trip, Obama said, “I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.”
His suggestion that a belief in American exceptionalism is akin to the Brits’ belief in British exceptionalism and the Greeks’ belief in Greek exceptionalism played well in foreign capitals and at the United Nations. But what Obama describes as “American exceptionalism” sounds like a political-science professor’s definition of nationalism, not a belief in America’s unique accomplishments and history of unrivaled freedom, generosity, productivity, innovation, militaristic and diplomatic strength, and record as liberators, protectors, and defenders.
...his definition of American exceptionalism differs from that of most Republicans. At just about every stop on his weeklong tour, Obama missed opportunities to remind audiences of America’s generosity and compassion..."
TW: I totally disagree with her approach. Is it that nuance is to difficult for some to accept? If others perceive themselves as exceptional as well, is Wallace really so interested in getting into a childish game of the U.S. being like really, really exceptional?
Any POTUS walks into any conclave in the world with the world's largest economy (by a minimum factor of three), the strongest military (again by multiple magnitudes), growing not shrinking population, the most emulated culture in the world and a constitution both older and more respected (the 2001-2009 period hopefully excepted) than all. Why does a POTUS need to then "remind audiences of America's generosity" etc.? To me conservatives and those who feel they must constantly tout American ideals are insecure Americans uncomfortable with their own heritage. Our accomplishments are at this point self-evident.
Chavez, Putin even our allies (les Francais come to mind) may need to strut with a bit of a chip on their shoulders, we do not. Those with real power (and who know it) do not need to flaunt it. Those not so sure (like frat boys both young and unreformed old ones who say become POTUS) might need to.
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