Thursday, April 30, 2009

We Need Audacious

From Economist:
"...Joseph Califano [longtime Democratic politician who worked for LBJ/Carter/Clinton]:
"We live in an era of political micro-achievement. In recent years, it is considered an accomplishment when a president persuades Congress to pass one bill, or a few, over an entire administration: one welfare reform; one No Child Left Behind. Partisan attacks and and political ambitions choke our airways, not reports of legislation passed or problems solved." That's in contrast to the flood of major proposals that came from the 89th and 90th Congresses during Johnson's presidency.

In Barack Obama's first hundred days we've seen a bit of LBJ's ambition: think of immigration reform, which he could have ignored all year without much backlash. I wonder how far Mr Obama can go with this. He has Johnson's desire to do everything, but perhaps not his stamina or scrappiness."

TW: I agree. Enough with the micro-achievers!!! I originally supported Obama over Clinton because he was the one who could swing for the fences instead of grinding it out incrementally as the Clintons have done. Our country needs audacious, innovative, and profound change. I believe the country is ready for it, not everyone but most of us. Not every POTUS can be transcendent. Circumstances and the political environment neither require nor permit huge changes at all times. FDR was, Reagan was and in a bad way W. Bush was as well. Obama has barely started but he shows some talent. LBJ is an interesting comparison. His first 18 months were a cacophony of achievements, yet he ended as a failed POTUS whose reputation forty years later remains greatly soiled. Time will tell, those extrapolating are still either hoping or dreading.

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