Friday, May 15, 2009

Things I Like - Sciences

I saw this on Stumble and thought it was kind of interesting. Any idea what you’re looking at? Say hello to MARS - the Magenn Air Rotor System. This futuristic alternative to the traditional wind turbine is scheduled for implementation with test partners toward the end of 2009.

What makes MARS a better choice than the traditional turbine or the windmill, for that matter? According to the developers, MARS offers many benefits including:
  • High altitude placement (up to 1,000 feet) captures higher speed winds
  • Design allows for closer placement to demand centers, reducing transmission costs
  • Capacity factor is at least twice that of traditional wind turbines at lower altitudes
  • Mobility – can be rapidly deployed, deflated and redeployed without the need for towers or heavy cranes. MARS would be very useful in disaster areas for temporary power needs.
Just think, the answer to our energy problems and climate change is floating power farms.
One question...won't they get in the way of our solar powered individual jet packs?

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