TW: Here are the issues I see at the core of the reform effort. Will try to address individually over the coming days:
1) Is the reform needed or alternatively is the status quo sufficient or at least better than the alternatives likely promulgated in a reform program?
2) How to pay for reform?
3) How to address cost growth?
4) The politics of reform? Much of which has little to do with reform itself.
1) Is the reform needed or alternatively is the status quo sufficient or at least better than the alternatives likely promulgated in a reform program?
2) How to pay for reform?
3) How to address cost growth?
4) The politics of reform? Much of which has little to do with reform itself.
I think you are missing one: the bizarre god complex surrounding the american medical establishment (particularly doctors)makes it impossible to actually say "yo, stop charging so much". Until citizens, the media, and politicians stop treating doctors like gods we have a long way to go.
Dr. Gawande from New Yorker points out how docs can prescribe/"spend" thousands per day
Although Americans are so risk averse that we not only accept but demand over care
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