Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So We Are Back And Some Random Observations

TW: It was nice not to post at all for a week or so. Will remember to try that rather obvious recuperative every now and then.

We drove about 1,600 miles through the heartland, some random observations:
1) We have a frightening obesity problem. We live in an urban cocoon where obesity exists certainly but not quite as much as when one stops at a roadside McDonalds or Shoney's. I do not have many suggested solutions but we must do something or our society will implode inwardly from its own weight. At this point in our lives we shun buffets, my only proposal would be that all others above the age of 18 follow suit (same goes for super-sizing).
2) Aggressive, loud, in your face expressions of Christianity on public thruways are in apparently. Certainly within folk's rights. Seems to reflect insecurity from my vantage though. I would also hope those who so enthusiastically embrace these displays would be comfortable with similiar displays from other faiths or non-faiths. Our constitution after all is meant to protect all faiths or non-faiths not just one. I suspect this last concept is not universally accepted much less respected.
3) Town hall meetings...sigh.
4) Health care is ranting up, debating is down, what a shame.
5) Read a book on RFK's last campaign, woulda coulda shoulda, a world with more RFK and less RMN that would have been interesting. Also read Studs Terkel's last memoir, he wrote a bunch of good stuff if you get a chance.

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