…aims to increase community awareness and understanding of the role of science, engineering, technology and innovation in maintaining and improving our society, economy and the environment…Each year a National Science Week theme for schools is chosen to assist teachers focus and plan ways to engage students in national Science Week celebrations. The schools’ theme for 2009 is…Astronomy: science without limits.One of the nation-wide programs is an extra terrestrial outreach – the opportunity to send a message to another planet. Sponsored by Cosmos magazine, text messages collected on the site will be transmitted to Gliese 581d, the planet closest to Earth thought to be capable of supporting life.
When I visited the site, they had collected over 2,460 messages from all over the world – many were offerings of peace and love, some were mathematical equations, others were entertaining:
You are cordially invited to an Interplanetary BBQ. 6.00pm, 4th October, 2452 at my place BYO Meat and Beer. RSVP: Year 2100 CheersThere’s still time to send your own - of course, since Gliese 581d is about 20 light years away, it will be at least 40 years before you can expect a response. Thanks to my sister Jan for the link!
Daniel Edmonds
Melbourne, Australia
Hello from Italy by earth planet. We comin'in peace with dish of Pizza and Spaghetti oil garlic and red pepper! See you after...:-)
Torino, Italy
Whats your view on Pluto as a planet? is it or isnt it? I think it is but the big guns have changed their minds and say it isnt.. let us know :)
Mackay, Australia
With so many messages of love and peace, it appears that we are ripe for the picking. Looking forward to serving our alien overlords. We'd make great pets!
Melbourne, Australia
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