Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brady Bunch Mysteries

From NPR's Monkey See Blog:
"...the things that have never made sense, ever, about this family in which everything could allegedly be resolved in 30 minutes. I will now catalog for you a few of what I consider the more perplexing mysteries.
1. Why doesn't Alice know anyone other than her boyfriend and the people she works for? Was she hatched from a giant egg?...
5. How big of a dweeb do you have to be to get hold of a movie camera and decide to enlist your family in a dramatization of the first Thanksgiving? And Greg was the cool one?...
8. Were there still crazy prospectors wandering around ghost towns in 1971?...
10. How old were you before you had any idea that the "pork chops and apple-shawss" thing was supposed to be Peter's impression of Humphrey Bogart? I think I respected him more when I thought he was just being strange.
11. Why is it that every time anything good happens to any of these kids (Peter saves someone's life, Marcia is cast as Juliet), they immediately become unmanageable, egocentric jerks? I sentence them to a lot of time locked in the garage listening to Greg's "music."...
15. As nice as Vincent Price may turn out to be, if I find out that someone has kept three of my children imprisoned in a cave for any period of time, I am going to involve the authorities, even if the attendant paperwork means I miss the luau..."

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