Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mosquito Love

From the Straight Dope blog:
Q: Do mosquitoes favor certain blood types over others? I have noticed while out working that mosquitoes love me while my brother never gets bit. Why is my blood so tasty?

A: A 1972 study in Nature found that mosquitoes were more likely to bite people with type O blood than other potential victims, while people with type A got the fewest bites. A follow-up experiment examined whether this had anything to do with the fact that some people secrete chemicals related to blood type — sugarlike substances called saccharides — through their skin. Results: (1) Generally speaking, skeeters favor people with type O blood over those with types A and B blood, confirming the earlier research. (2) They really favor type O secretors over type O nonsecretors and type A secretors. (3) They don't have a strong preference between type O secretors and type A non-secretors, a distracting result I'll ignore. Conclusion: to quote a favorite line from the Straight Dope Message Board, if you're a type O secretor, to a mosquito you look like caramel-covered crack."

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