Thursday, January 14, 2010

Insight And Ignorance

TW: The tragedy in Haiti will be politicized within 48 hours, you can count on that. Gahlran frames one issue that will emerge quickly- potential massive immigration towards the U.S. Then he does something that drives me crazy. He tries to tie Haiti to health care reform by insinuating we cannot afford more poor people sinice health care reform is meant to fund all of "those" poor people. This is just ignorant. Health care reform has little to do with poor folks. Poor folks over 65 have Medicare, those under Medicaid. Health care reform is about every fricking one else in particular working, middle class folks without good or ANY coverage today!!

And Gahlran while conservatively oriented is by no means a rabid Limbovian/Palin type.

From Gahlran at Info Dissemination:
"There is a legitimate National Security Risk Assessment that has yet to be discussed anywhere in the media, at least that I have seen. The annual immigration season from Haiti to Florida by sea usually begins in February every year. If it has historically been easy for Haitians to choose the risks of sea immigration when they have a home and family, how much easier is it for a Haitian to risk the dangerous journey when their home is destroyed or family is dead? This is a critical point, because the US is in big trouble if 100,000 people, or potentially a lot more, attempt a massive migration at sea following this catastrophe. The Obama administration is going to have to spend money - potentially many billion dollars - to keep three million homeless people in Haiti. This a serious problem that will directly impact you and me unless you are somehow stupid enough to believe the US is ready to absorb the cost of a mass immigration of a population with a high illiteracy rate at the same time the government intends to pass National Health Care to protect the poorest in our country."

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