Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mmmm, Tasty

The Cherpumple

You've heard of the Turducken - that's the poultry nightmare that consists of a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey.

Well Charles Phoenix has come up with a dessert along the same lines - the Cherpumple. It's a cherry pie baked inside a white cake on top of an apple pie baked inside a yellow cake and a pumpkin pie baked inside a spice cake. All covered in cream cheese frosting.



mom/OOO said...

You had me drooling until I got to the bottom layer - I'll take the spice cake but leave the pumpkin pie out of it - did they estimate how many calories in a slice?

Anonymous said...

There wasn't any "nutritional" analysis provided but I'm guessing that 1 slice would be worth at least a full day's calories.

Btw, I thought that each pie/cake by itself might be kind of tasty but I don't think they'd be very good all together. Regardless, I would have to be very very bored to trie making something like this.