Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Fellow Americans...Such As They Are (cont.)

From NBC:
"A new Research 2000 poll of more than 2,000 Republicans...has some eyebrow-raising findings:
-- 63% of them believe President Obama is a socialist
-- 53% believe Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president than Obama is
-- 39% believe he should be impeached
-- 36% believe he wasn't born in the United States
-- 31% believe the president hates white people
-- 24% believe the president wants the terrorists to win
-- 23% believe their state should secede from the union

TW: That any sane person believes Palin is qualified to be POTUS much less more so than Obama frames squarely the challenges of democracy in America. I realize many Dems wanted Bush impeached (not including me btw) but that was after he transformed a huge budget surplus into a deficit, invaded without cause Iraq, initiated torture as national policy and was overwhelmed by the Katrina disaster amongst other gems.

And that Obama who is in fact half "white" and was raised by his beloved "white" grandparents would hate "whites" in the minds of many Republicans speaks to them more than him.

Some on the left are pissed that Obama has not moved faster but ponder these stats first, he is not emperor. He is playing the cards he is dealt in terms of the American populace.

Bruce Bartlett's comment on the poll (and yes he worked for that deity of the right Mr. Reagan):
"I can only conclude from this new poll of 2003 self-identified Republicans nationwide that between 20% and 50% of the party is either insane or mind-numbingly stupid."

TW: I know many on the right feel condescended to but if you walk like a duck and talk like a duck then yeah you are fugging stupid. This does not mean opposition to Obama is stupid only support for ignorance and folks like Pence, Palin and Chambliss is.

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