Monday, February 22, 2010

Shop til you drop!

I don't like to shop person.

I'd much rather shop on-line. Not sure why other than I always feel that going store to store is inefficient.

I was always certain that the next store had a better deal - a better color, a better style, a better price. I was never finished shopping. Zappos changed my world. At least for shoes.

Imagine my delight when, while searching for the perfect pasta bowls, I ran across The Find. The people responsible for this site must have been eavesdropping on my brainwaves because, once the ease of shopping on-line became commonplace, the next annoyance was having to troll through hundreds of sites to find what I wanted and then do price & shipping checks.

The Find does all that and more - in one place, you have "every product from every store, every coupon and every review. Everything you need when shopping to quickly decide what to buy and where to buy it."

Mr. Blogger is less than ecstatic.

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