Monday, March 22, 2010

A Health Care Rant From the Peanut Gallery

TW: White House reader and friend with his two cents re personal experience with our health care system. He is one of those plague on both their houses (Dems and Repubs) types (which as he knows I have a problem with as one must in life choose else one lets the loudest make one's decisions for you but I digress). So on with Mercutio...

From a White House reader:
"In celebration of the ramp in healthcare stocks today due to another corporate welfare scheme getting passed. I have an ongoing prescription for stomach medication. A bottle contains 30 tablets. From 2005 until last month, I had one of those gold-plated health insurance schemes. Cost of medication to me: $5. I left my old company awhile ago to start a small business.

Last month COBRA ran out and there is no way we can afford any coverage as a business. I figured I would pay for the medication myself and ordered it figuring there was no way it could be more than $3 PER PILL or $90 total. When I went to the pharmacy, they rang it up at $240. I told them to shove it ... back onto the shelf.

I went online to see what my old insurer had been paying. Cost of medication to them: $150. So I ordered it from the UK for $30 including shipping. I have 17 years of business experience as a consultant and as an entrepreneur. This is an old medication. The UK price is the price. I'll be generous and tack on another $10 to make it $40 for the subsidy our moronic system is providing to theirs in the UK by allowing the pharma companies to stick it to us here.

Our healthcare system bears only the most superficial resemblance to anything capitalist. It is "free enterprise" only in the sense that the enterprises involved are free to rape and pillage. What really incenses me is that not being an idiot, I realize full well I was really paying $150 all along but $145 was hidden as a reduction in my salary to pay the health insurance premiums. All of the people with health insurance who don't realize that they are in fact paying all of these costs are like infants who believe the toy has disappeared when an adult hides it behind their back. Nobody wants to trust the government because it is bought and paid for under both parties by corporate America. This has occurred because we the people have abdicated, but the government isn't supposed to be them, it is supposed to be us.

When people say that government sucks, they are saying they suck. Anybody who wants less government should do us all a favor and off themselves. I want to see the government squash somebody's nuts. I for one want my f#$%ing money back. Enough corporate welfare. 30+ countries out there with better systems than ours, all of which are cheaper. I don't particularly care which one we pick from full socialist to full capitalist. Let's just pick one of the damn things instead of adding more duct tape to this thing we have. Otherwise as a society we will continue to get the healthcare and the prices we deserve.

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