Saturday, August 21, 2010

Superhero Saturday

I know that 'Superhero' is a big internet meme.  Not a day goes by that I don't see an image or video or story that references one of the Superheroes. 

And why not?  Superheroes are a good thing.  Most of them are fighting for truth, justice and the American Way...

So I've decided (for now), that Saturday will be Superhero Day here at the White House blog.  Once a week, I'll post an image or video clip that caught my eye or made me laugh. 

And to start us off, I'd like to introduce you to Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. That's right, now those of you in the NYC area can find all your Superhero accessories in one convenient location:

You'll find everything from costume help (capes, tights, masks) to crime fighting paraphernalia like Evil Blob Containment Capsules and Anti-Gravity lotion.  I particularly like the signs, so helpful:

And for those of you who don't live in the NYC metropolitan area, never fear, the internet is here: Brooklyn Superhero Supply.

via Artsytime

1 comment:

Kevin O said...

Well then! No slam to your other days but from now on, Saturdays will be my favorite day at the White House Blog!!! that is one coooooool looking store. :)