Friday, August 27, 2010

Taking the Game to a Whole New Level

Be sure to have the sound on

Saw this video and was totally hooked by it - I have no idea why, but I've played the thing 8 times in the last 15 minutes. From what I can figure out, FreddieW (the guy who made it), mashed up a video of himself playing various instruments with the concept behind the video game Rock Band - you know, the game where the colored lights on the monitor tell you which keys to hit on the instrument in order to play a song.  (We're not very video game savvy here at the White House...)

Only Freddie overlays the lights from the game on top of the video - it looks like the signal lights have left the monitor and are connecting directly with the instruments, his vision of what the game might be like in the future.

Even more impressive, it seems like he wrote the music himself.  I would definitely listen to more of that song!

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