Friday, December 4, 2020

Burning Down the House To What End? Has a Pandora's Box Been Opened?


-From Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice-Brian Hagedorn (conservative appointee) responding to yet another failed Trump legal effort

The chatter on FB has gone pretty quiet.  A few remaining diehards continue to post the memes and accusations from increasingly fringe Trump advocates made invariably without evidence or support from remotely reputable sources.  But most Trumpkins remain passive in the face of the egregious efforts to overturn the election.  Meanwhile Biden supporters rely (with cause) on the assumption that despite Trump and certain enabler's efforts the transition will occur in less than seven weeks with our without Trump's acquiescence.

But the Hagedorn statement reminds us of how surreal our current situation is.  Twenty-five hundred Americans a day, nearly two per minute are dying from Covid but our Potus acts as though it does not exist. He tweets and speaks borderline gibberish about election fraud and it does not raise hackles only because it is expected that he speaks gibberish.  An actual Potus is considered as relevant as a senile uncle.  His statements and tweets are literally at the level of the most unhinged rants I read on social media.  It is as if one of them has become Potus.

Meanwhile his administration continues to gut federal agencies and replace respected members of civilian advisory boards with the most hard core if unqualified loyalists.  He is issuing pardons like candy including one to the notorious Mike Flynn who literally has called for an insurrection.

Burning down our house on the way out accomplishes what? Denigrating the validity and sanctity of our electoral processes serves what purpose?  A Pandora's box may have been opened the implications of which we will not know for years.

The world and the U.S. need responsible leadership from our national government and soon.

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