Wednesday, March 31, 2021

From 1/6/21 

"Our Constitution and our Republic will overcome this stain and We the People will come together again in our never-ending effort to form a more perfect Union, while Mr. Trump will deservedly be left a man without a country.” -- James Mattis. 1/6/21

I have seen numerous Trump supporting conservative politicians and commentators express disgust with the breach of the Capitol today. One could say too little too late or perhaps better late than never. But what I have not seen is a single Trump supporter amongst my FB network express their disgust (the “I do not condone violence buh Antifa, buh buh BLM”, does not suffice). Furthermore, as best I can tell while only a minority of the conservatives I see on FB have shown direct support for sedition (although some explicitly have), not one has in the past two months acknowledged enough is enough with the spurious accusations and outright fantasies regarding fraud. Not one. Others have said similar things but this dynamic where I am learning how deep and broad the cancer of truth decay has become, saddens me even more than seeing Trump in the oval office. Trust me I feel the disdain from certain friends and family, it is what it is at this point but I believe it says much more about thee than me.

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