Sunday, October 19, 2008

Who Is Bill Ayers?

TW: The Republicans are gaining some traction with Bill Ayers. I posted a couple of weeks ago about what I thought of their efforts ( The key point- "The Republican game is clear, they are trying to plant a simple seed- Obama=terrorist=TERRORIST=Osama". I post another article this one from the April New Yorker when Ayers was being initially pushed forward by the Clintons but not nearly as successfully. I also refer you back to my original post which includes a NYT detailing the limited linkage between Ayers and Obama.

From the April New Yorker:
"...Now George Stephanopoulos, Hillary Clinton, and a legion of Republican strategists are tying Bill to Obama because they sat on the board of a foundation together. What if they did? And what if they’re friendly neighbors in Hyde Park? Bill and Bernardine are also friends with an old friend of mine who has a sterling reputation as a juvenile-court judge. Does that prove anything, other than that they’ve had successful careers in education and law, respectively? This latest media flap is an absurd and opportunistic piece of guilt by association. Unlike Obama’s membership for many years in the church of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, or his comments last week in San Francisco, it raises no questions about his beliefs, only about our trivial political culture. It deserves to die a swift and ignominious death.
I don’t know if the connection with Bill will hurt Obama as the campaign drags on. I do know that the Republican Party’s brand of cultural warfare, which has served it so well since 1968, will be a central part of the Presidential election of 2008..."

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