Saturday, February 6, 2010

Some More Hal McCoy

TW: I never tire of hall of fame writer Hal McCoy's old baseball stories

From Hal McCoy at the Dayton Daily News:
"...RON BROOKEY is an Ohio High School Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Famer and coached Steve Yeager at Meadowdale High School. Brooked asked [Reds manager Dusty] Baker about Yeager because the two played together for the Los Angeles Dodgers in the 1970s.

“Boomer?” said Baker. “You mean Boomer? We always called Yeager ‘Boomer.’ He was the best catcher I ever played with, but what I remember is how Boomer could go into the shower holding a cigarette in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other and get neither of them wet.”

...CHARLIE SHEEN. He was, and maybe still is, a huge fan of the Cincinnati Reds, probably because his actor father Martin Sheen was born in Dayton.

In the early 1990s, I was sitting in my press box seat in Dodger Stadium, head down as I pounded the keys on my laptop because I was near deadline. There was an empty seat next to mine and some guy sat down and began bombarding me with questions about Barry Larkin, Eric Davis and Rob Dibble.

I was busy, so I was terse and cryptic with my answers, never looking up. Finally, the guys says, “Would you like a cup of coffee?” To get rid of him, I said, “Yeah. Black. Two Sweet ‘n’ Lows.” The guy left to fetch the coffee and another guy two seats down leaned over and said, “Do you know who you keep ignoring? That’s Charlie Sheen.”

Well, he should never bother a writer on deadline - but I was more alert and polite when he returned with my coffee.

...THEN THERE was the day I was standing at the batting cage during batting practice in New York’s Shea Stadium when a guy next to me said, “Don’t you just love Sean Casey’s all-out swing?”

I looked over and it was The Boss, Bruce Springsteen. For once I was speechless, when I knew I should have said, “We have something in common. I was born in the USA, too."

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