Friday, August 6, 2010

Rain, rain go away

I would say click to enlarge but that probably won't help

We've had some violent weather here in Chicago this summer. First it was the micro bursts that took down trees and littered the streets with debris. It's kind of spooky when you hear tornado sirens in the city.

Lately it's been heavy storms. I can't remember a week without a major storm coming through, often more than one. The folks in the burbs know all about this - flooding has been rampant.

I don't have to worry about flooding here at the White House, but I am having some issues keeping the balcony plants happy. It's so hot that they wilt unless I water daily. Unfortunately, I water in the morning and the storms seem to be coming through in the evenings, resulting in drowned parsley, basil and tomatoes. If only there was a way to know ahead of time if it was going to rain...

According to this Infographic, all I need to do is keep an eye on the cats - apparently their ears need cleaning when it's going to rain.

btw, if you want to actually read the Infographic above, go to Marisys

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