Saturday, August 1, 2020

Every Potus Must Have Grace- Bush Had It, They All Have Until Now

Certainly I (along with a few others I suspect) ponder why is Trump so awful.  Not awful like W. Bush's policies but like awful as a human being.  It strikes me that he lacks grace.

Grace has numerous definitions some religious some secular but sticking with the latter would include:

"to honor people by taking part in something"
"the quality of being pleasantly polite, or a willingness to be fair and honest"

W. Bush was an poor president because his policies were bad.  But the man has grace (and humor).  He exhibited both in his eulogy to the late John Lewis this week.

Many remarked at the grace displayed not only by Bush but several others at the Lewis service.  It is inconceivable that Trump would have done so.  In fact he could not even bring himself to honor Lewis by visiting his casket while it lay in the cupola at the Capital.

Every president going back at least as far as FDR had grace, even Nixon had it.  Grace is a requisite of leadership and we have become rightly accustomed to it from our presidents. It enables a partisan from one party to demonstrate empathy and respect for those from the other party.  It also is calming and a palliative in times of crisis and stress.

When it is absent as it is now, a void is created.  Partisanship worsens, stress increases and ultimately anger results.  We need, in fact must have. a president with grace.

Another point.  This photo was taken recently while Trump played catch with former Yankee closer Mariano Rivera.  It struck me because it is the first photo I recall in which Trump actually appeared to be enjoying himself and genuinely smiling.  Usually his smile is more of a sneer typically whilst denigrating someone or something.  So I would add another requisite- a Potus should possess joyfulness.  

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