Sunday, August 2, 2020

Plus Ca Change, Plus C'est La Meme Chose: We Complain and Worry about Our Awful Times

The Huntley Brinkley Report aired for the final fifty years ago last week.  I am old but that was so long ago I cannot even remember it directly.  But Huntley Brinkley back in the day were a go to for news (along with Walter Cronkite) in a time when folks actually made time in their evenings to watch a news show.  And back then the news shows actually showed reporting as opposed to today's quick videos slathered in cheap talking head opinions.

What struck me watching the clip though were Huntley and Brinkley's references to the criticisms they received from viewers and the lamentations that the news emanating from the world was so awful.  So awful in fact that Huntley signed off with a plea that folks exercise patience as times were bound to improve.

So 2020 has its challenges, where they ultimately rank in the big scheme remains to be determined. But fear not, folks in 1970 believed they were living through a shit show as well.  Yet fifty years later here we here....

As a special bonus this video also popped up of a Dick Cavett show with Huntley around the time of his retirement.  Huntley commenting on his plans is interesting but see him sharing a stage with Janis Joplin and Raquel Welch makes it memorable.

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