Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Paper Artist

Nick Georgiou has fun with paper...

The Queens born artist uses newspaper, old books, magazines...whatever happens to be lying around, to fashion interesting creatures that he then positions around the city. Photos of his work are then posted to his blog, My Human Computer.

Cool, but I've lived in NY. How does he have room for all these pieces in his apartment?

via Flavorwire

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Interior Design

This is genius. LA based actor, writer and comedian Molly Erdman brings us the inner musings of the people who live in our catalogs:

This seat is taken...
I’ve only set out personalized towels for Margaret and Patrick, but I see three people arriving on horseback…if they’re bringing a friend I wish they had told me ahead of time. The embroiderer is fast but not that fast.

Keeping the Doctor away...
Elaine should have known better than to interrupt Gary during “apple time.”

See more at Catalog Living and then try not to feel inferior to Elaine and Gary.